About Yazmin

About Yazmin – every human being is always looking for Happiness. We are always in movement and sometimes it is hard to keep the happy spirit permanently. This task turns more complicated when we leave our country as well as our comfort zone.  Some of the changes we have to go through to expat experience are hard core to manage. That could turn into a personal crisis. 

I grew up in Mexico where I studied Psychology, then I moved to Zurich, New York, Wallis (french part of Switzerland). I got a Certificate of Psychologie of Emergencies in Lausanne (Switzerland) and for the last ten years I am back to Zurich.  

I give support after the crisis some people may to experience during their expat period. The target is to help them to find a new balance to recover the Happy spirit and enjoy their expat time.

This kind of crisis could be individual or could touch the couple even all family who moved. The most we can profit the Expat experience the most we will enjoy it and develop ourselves. 

Science-based approach

I have a science-based approach to mental health. With this background -personal history,  Psychology studies and professional experience –  I enjoy helping people who had this kind of experience. They moved, changed and have to adapt themselves to the new environment after moving for a while. They learn how to be resilient.

out of your vulnerabilities will
come your strength

– Sigmund Freud

Balance & recovery

I give support after the crisis some people may to experience during their expat period. The target is to help them to find a new balance to recover the Happy spirit and enjoy their expat time.

This kind of crisis could be individual or could touch the couple even all family who moved. The most we can profit the Expat experience the most we will enjoy it and develop ourselves.